What Is a Plat Map? Understanding Property Boundaries
What Is a Plat Map? Understanding Property Boundaries

A plat map is a great way to keep all of your property's features and details in one place, and the best part is that it's easy to find. You may have heard of one if you've ever bought land or are now looking.
Having this in your toolbox lets you quickly find essential information about your property, so knowing what a plat map is and how to get a plat of your property is a good skill.
Get A Free Mortgage QuoteWhat Is A Plat Map, And How Is It Used?
A plat map shows the land division in an area such as a city, county, or neighborhood. Certified surveyors create plat maps showing the borders of properties and the positions of public places, easements, and flood zones. Some of you can rely on them to represent accurate distances because they are drawn to size.
A plat map alone could seem to be just another piece of paper in the pile of home-buying papers. However, ensuring everyone involved—lenders, title businesses, and county records offices—must understand what you're buying and the boundaries is essential.
Plat Map Types
Understanding the different types of plat maps, or land survey maps, is helpful if you're seeking to discover more about the past of a piece of property or a building. There are five main types of plat maps that you may find while buying land:
- Amending plat: All minor modifications made to an existing plat are recorded in this document.
- Plat of Consolidation: Consolidation is a method by which a landowner buys many adjacent properties and combines them into a single lot.
- Short Plat: This method can split a single piece of land into up to four different parts.
- Plat of Subdivision: This document demonstrates how the owner of an extensive parcel of land divided it into multiple parts.
- Plat Vacating: A formal instrument that revokes and substitutes an existing plat.
When Do You Need A Plat Map?
When you buy a house, you first get your plat map during closing. During this process, you'll want to keep a close eye on the plat map since what it says will influence your purchase. If you plan to subdivide your property, apply for a building permit, or refinance the property, you will require the plat map once again.
The plat map will confirm the property in your transaction when you close on a house. The lot's measurements and the legal property lines will be displayed on the plat. You should make sure that:
When Would A Plat Map Be Required?
When you purchase a home, you initially get your plat map during closing. Throughout this process, you'll hunger to keep a lookout on the plat map because what it says will command what you purchase. If you mean to subdivide your property, apply for a structure certification, or refinance your house, you will need the plat map again.
The plat map will confirm the property in your transaction when you close on a house. The lot's measures and the legal property lines will be shown on the plat. You should make sure that:
- Every building is constructed inside the allotted limits.
- The property is free of encroachments.
- Existing easements don't get in the way of your land plans.
How To Locate Your Plat Map
Depending on the kind of map you need and why you need it, there are multiple ways to get your plat map. The map can be downloaded from:
- The county assessor's or city records office is your local government.
- If you require a plat map for federal lands, contact the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
- Among the documents you obtain from your title search is the plat map, which your title company supplies.
How to Obtain Your Property's Plat Map
- Visit the website or get in touch with the local government office.
- Get a copy by reaching out to your title company.
- Examine the paperwork that you were given when you bought the house.
If a title company didn't initially provide you with a plat map, you can find one because they are public records.
Comparing Plot and Plat Maps
Property lines and the contents of a given area are identified using plot and plat maps. Despite their striking similarities, one should be aware of their differences.
Plots that are situated within a county or city constitute a plat map. A map of a plot of land is known as a plot map. It is used to denote the locations of buildings, setback lines, and right-of-ways on a specific plot of land.
Is A Plat Map Required?
A plat map is usually only needed if:
- The property will be subdivided.
- The property will be turned into a public access point.
- Someone has been granted an easement over your property.
You will receive a plat map and the paperwork when you buy a house. This map can be invaluable for determining what you can legally do on your property.
For instance, the plat map can help you locate the easements that may be visible on your property. This is essential because it will clarify the areas on the property where you have permission to construct buildings or make other alterations.
This map also plays a crucial role in the title search. The title company will consult the plat map to ascertain whether the seller has permission to sell what they are attempting to sell. A plat map will show the title company when sellers try to sell more property than they own.
How Can a Plat Map Be Used?
Local governments, real estate agents, and homeowners can all benefit from a plat map. A plat map can be used in the following ways:
- Identifying Disputes and Property Boundaries
- Organizing Additions and Home Improvement Projects
- Knowing Building Codes and Zoning Regulations
- Transactions in Real Estate
- Environmental Evaluations
- Planning for Disasters
Because they give you significant data about your property that you could require later, plat maps are an excellent resource for homeowners. Don't forget to save a copy or consider purchasing one.
Get A Free Mortgage QuoteIf you're looking to improve your sympathetic of your assets, consider exploring how to get a plat of your property along with evidence on property surveys to gain a more detailed perspective.